Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Of The Minor Third

Specifically, I'm hoping my middle third shrinks in size to become a minor third, as I continue in my quest to become more fit! This could also be deemed a reference to Captain Broccoli Explains Triad Positions :)

Btw, I'm blogging again. Heeeey. I think this is the longest I've gone without writing a post. Whatevs, it is what it is.

Cool things that have happened since X number of months ago:
~I finished my 2nd year of my undergrad at UNI!
~Italy was awesome. More about that later maybe.
~Moved into my house up here in Cedar Falls. Sure, it's weird to not be living at home anymore, but it's totes worth it because my roommates are awesome!
~Recorded my first album with Jazz Band One - pretty surreal to think about the fact that I'll be on a professionally recorded album with some of the best people I've gotten to play jazz with. Word :)
~Had my first clarinet arrangement performed! It was an octet version of the Trololo song, but luckily I got a group of true champs to play it with me, so it went well!
~I PASSED MUSIC HISTORY II. Sure, I got a C+, but considering how hard that class was, I'm pretty ok with that.
~Went to my first SAI province day in Iowa City in April. It re-enstilled some pretty awesome SAI values within me, and made me even more proud to be a sister :)
~Found out I got a full-time clarinet spot in the CR Municipal Band, which was a goal 3 years in the making.
~Dropped my phone face down in a parking lot, cracking the screen and ruining the LCD. Good thing I've got the best dad ever, and he's fixing it for me!
~Last but not least, I'm watching Transformers 2 right now. Just realized that the physics professor towards the beginning of the movie is none other than Dwight Schrute.

So to further clarify the meaning of this post title, I'm going on a crazy diet right now, in an effort to both be healthier and lose weight. I've been on it for a week and, with the help of exercise and drinking a crap ton of water, have dropped 6 pounds. I've also been laying out for about 45 minutes every day, and have a pretty decent tan for once in my life!
This week, I'll be starting a daily ab workout, which I will probably hate, but am determined to keep doing.

Still looking for a job in CF, and let me tell you, it sucks not having one. I sit around here all day and either fill out applications, cook, sort through my desk drawers, draw, practice, arrange, or miss people. It gets old after a while, and I really wish I could be doing something else with my days.

Speaking of practicing, I've started working on listening to and memorizing my piece for the concerto competition in the fall, the 5 Dance Preludes by Witold Lutoslawski! Studio kids, if you're reading this, you'll remember that Steph did it last year around the time of the symposium, and totally nailed it. Needless to say, here we go!!
I think it's pretty neat, and can safely say I won't get sick of it. These are good things.

Just got to the part in the movie where they send a Decepticon probe into Sam's body, that little robot creature that goes into his mouth and picks at his brain. Sick. And here comes Optimus Prime...

Oh yeah, I did say I would talk about some stuff from Italy! Here are the biggest highlights of my trip:
~Getting lost in Bergamo the third night. I've got to say, it was one of the most thrilling times I've ever had. I spent most of the afternoon with Abbey, the Brians, and Antonio. We tried to buy tickets for the funnicular, to go down from the Citta Alta to the lower city, but we took too long with the machine so it spat out a receipt for our money. We then had to ride down with an escort and try to find the bus station, all using what little language we could all grasp. After getting our money back and being creeped on by a stranger I met on the corner, Brian Martin proceeded to shove me at people and ask them (a total of 20 people) where this Trattoria (restaurant) was that we were trying to find. We eventually found it, and Jill Whitaker, who stayed with us the rest of the night. After having the best meal of our lives at the Trattoria Guiliana, we proceeded to stumble our way back to the bus stop based on street corners and buildings that looked vaguely familiar, only to find that there was only 1 bus stop running that late. We waited for what felt like forever, and when the bus finally came, we thought we were on our way back to the hostel. Needless to say, it came as an awful surprise to us when the driver told us there were no more stops at the hostel that night, and dropped us off at a random cul-de-sac outside the city limits. Thankfully, he came back and took us to the train station, where from we took a taxi back to the hostel. Thank God Jill and I went into super defensive mode, or it would have been the most frightening night ever. Instead, it was an adventure I'll never forget.
~Staying with our hosts. Julie and I were designated roomies the whole trip, and we got to stay with some pretty nice people in Pontevico and Brescia! The first family, the Fontanas, were super nice, and even though they spoke no English, we had a fun time figuring out the Italian phrase book Julie brought. I admit, I was not as successful as she was. But the second guy we stayed with spoke a lot of English, and his mom (with whom Abbey and Stacia stayed) spoke a good amount of German, so I got to speak it with her for a while! So much fun.
~Playing amazing concerts every night. As if it hasn't been said enough, I feel so provileged to have been able to play with such a great group of people. We went through a lot during the day, barely getting any sleep at night, a lot of us getting sick; and yet, at the end of the day, we all played beautifully together. Everyone had their own problems on the trip, but we all stuck by eachother and helped eachother get through it. I love that group of people, and I'll miss that ensemble a whole lot.
~The Milan incident. No need to blog about what happened to me on stage before we played in Milan, most everyone in the entire Wind Symphony knows about it by now. Nonetheless, it was a highlight.

So that was that. I got to see some pretty cool things, got to know some pretty great people (including JBT!), and grew even closer to some friends I already had. I'll never forget it.

Anyway, this post is getting a little long, so I'll be done. Kthxbye :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Faces In The Crowd

First of all, go click this and listen to the one called "Stem Cell". Second one down on the playlist.

Holy crap, right?? I'm in a group of 7 of us who are playing it on the clarinet studio recital...So. Freaking. Excited.

And now, to my latest brain spew. Nothing politically-charged this time, promise. Just a lot of tired, possibly incoherent feelings.

In my recent abundance of alone time, I've really had the chance to think about something I don't think about as often as I should.
Being by myself so much makes me think how truly great it is to have people in my life who care. I have no idea where I would be if it weren't for my friends and family always bringing me back to reality when I need it. I can't even express how happy I am to be surrounded by the people I know. I mean, look at my mom and dad...yeah, I'm having one of those epiphany moments when I realize how great they really are. I think it was sparked when before break, I was all ready to sign the lease on a house for next year, my first house away from home, and I had no idea how I would pay for the security deposit. I felt bad asking them to help pay for it, being unsure of the current money situation, but they made it work. Looking back at when that happened, I've realized how truly lucky I am to have parents who support me in whatever I do. Not just when I need money, I mean hell no, they're there for all of it. When I need a hug, when I'm being a little shit, when I put the clean laundry on top of the dryer and forget to fold it, when I'm playing a concert in a faraway place at an inconvenient time, when we all sit down in the living room and watch Netflix together, all the little things like that. And the big ones, too. They find ways to make things work, even if the solution is ridiculous. They trust me, and they've stuck it out with me through all the second chances. They give me their best, even when I don't always reciprocate it. I love them, and I'm one lucky little turd.

The same things could also be said about all the other people I care about. Believe me...I'm thankful for all of you, even though I may not always be the best at showing it. Everyone I know is in my life for a reason, and while I may not get along with everyone, I still love knowing who I know and having the friends I have. So, here's to a new outlook on life, a better semester, and an all-around better time :)
Sorry to be all weepy all of a sudden, my emotions are all in a traffic jam in my head, fighting one another to get out, and the only one prevailing is sappiness. I'm having a with it.

K, now I really need to go to bed...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Blah Blah Blah

Before I go ahead and publicly expose myself to all kinds of criticism, I just want to say one thing. I don't intend to hurt or piss off anyone with what I'm about to say. These are just observations I've made and couclusions I've drawn from them, that's all. Feel free to comment.

Now that I can actually vote, I feel it's my duty to stay as informed as I can about all these fools running around tryna be president. Putting my initial thoughts aside, I've been following several of the GOP canidates since the start of the campaign season, and trying not to judge too quickly. Alghough, in some cases, it wasn't hard to form an opinion. Here's a list of the ones who irk me so far and why.

Michelle Bachmann.
At first glance she already seems sketch, and after a closer look, that assessment isn't too far off. This woman is in favor of eliminating the US Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Arts, and thinks being gay can be cured. She doesnt give straight answers to voters' questions, and the answers she does give are twisted and backwards. According to Bachmann, arts education is a family matter, and doesn't deserve funding or to be taught in schools, despite its proven benefits to students. Gays can get married though, as long as a gay man marries a woman, or a lesbian marries a man. Explain to me how eliminating federal departments and cutting arts in schools (thereby eliminating jobs) helps the economy. Explain to me how not allowing gays and lesbians to marry helps "purify" the institution of marriage, when all it does is deprive people who love eachother of their rights.
Verdict: Boooooo. Glad you practically lost here in Iowa, now kindly GTFO.

Rick Perry.
The faith warrior, with a plan to "end Obama's war on religion". Excuse me, but since when has the separation between church and state been a crime? He's not ashamed to admit he's a Christian...yeah, so are millions of other Americans. Your point? Perry would support the elimination of the Department of Education, Commerce, and...what was that third one again? Oh wait, he can't think of it. Turned out to be the EPA, the government agency responsible for what little protection we give our environment in this country. He denies the widely accepted theory of global warming, going against 97% of all scientists, and also doesn't want to accept the fact that gay people have rights just like everyone else. Not to mention his less-than-good track record with the public, and sub-par performance in the debates thus far.
Verdict: Ew. Also, probably secretly gay (just won't admit it).

Rick Santorum.
Wanna know what an ancient Roman dictator was like? Look no further than Rick Santorum. This bigot not only thinks gay people should "just stop being gay", but thinks this country would be better off if governed by Judeo-Christian principles. What part of Reagan's quote don't you understand, the part about church and state being separate, or the fact that they should always remain separate? Ever think it's for good reason? The bible is a great book, no doubt about that, and I respect Christians as much as I respect Muslims, or Atheists, or Buddhists...but if we were to take biblical rules literally, thousands of years after they were written, civil rights (as well as HUMAN rights, for crap's sake) would be flushed down the toilet. This is a different time, society has changed. GET WITH IT. You won't get very far in life hating on people who are different just because you're uncomfortable with the modern world. I don't really know much more about this guy, but this alone is enough to both deter and disgust me.
Verdict: PLEASE stfu. Learn some tolerance, until then, talk to the booty 'cause the hand's off duty.

Newt Gingrich.
Seriously? The poster boy for rich old white guys waving their greed around...this is a no-brainer. I fail to understand what new and improved tactics he plans to bring to the white house. He's been around forever and managed to piss so many people off it's not even a big deal anymore. Not even worth any more of a rant.
Verdict: Bitch, please.


At this point, no one has even remotely convinced me not to vote Obama. I've always maintained I'll vote for a person, not a party, and wouldn't you know it, the Democrats continue to win me over.

Peace out.