Sunday, November 28, 2010

Near, Far, Wherever You better watch out.

I have watched 3 movies within the past 24 hours. Here's what I think of each one and why...

Film #1: The Hangover
Approx. time watched: 3 AM
Overview: Yeah, I had never seen it before until then. BFD. I loved it though! Completely ridiculous, but funny as hell. I mean, who drugs their friends? On top of a roof?? Obviously creepy bearded dudes named Alan. And how the hell did the one guy end up on the roof in the end? Why didn't he get down somehow? He had all damn day! That does not make sense to me. And why would that one chick just leave her baby outside a hotel room with 3 guys that she knew would be hung over? Why does Mike Tyson own a tiger and keep it as a pet? Then again, why ANYTHING in this movie...haha. Good job, people who made it. I was sufficiently entertained.
Favorite part: Mr. Chau!!! HAH!!! Wtf is this dude!!! Whoever came up with that character is damn brilliant. Seriously.

Film #2: Wizard Of Oz
Approx. time watched: 7 PM
Overview: If you don't know this movie, can stfu. I watched this with my family and we pretty much spent the whole time making fun of Dorothy and deciding which character best fit each of us. This is what we came up with: Madeline = Auntie M (wtf), Dad = Tin Man, Lucy = Glenda the Good Witch of the North, Mom = the giant wizard head.
Favorite part: when the Wizard is like "I KNOW WHY YOU HAVE ALL COME..." and he calls them all forward one by one, insults them, tells them why he thinks they're there, and immediately orders them to stfu. HAAAAAAAAA :]]]]]]]

Film #3: Titanic
Approx. time watched: 9 PM
Overview: Rose and Jack's love story = he convinces her not to kill herself because her fiance is a douchebag, they have an "Oh, we can't be together..." moment, she changes her mind, they make out, he draws her naked, they do it in a car. Then the ship starts to sink and all hell breaks loose - the rich prick fiance frames Jack for stealing the huge-ass diamond, Rose refuses to get on the lifeboat, James Cameron makes it clear that 90% of all rich people in the early 20th century were assholes, the ship goes underwater, sad "we're about to die" scenes occur, Jack freezes to death in the water, Rose stays alive on a floating door and gets saved by people with common sense.
Favorite part: the moment Rose realizes she can't stand her life as a rich girl who does what high society thinks she should do, and goes back to Jack. NO REGRETS!
Also, watching my mother impersonate Celine Dion whenever that one theme was played. LOL.

Ok, so I feel like I need to confess know how everyone has certain things that they don't tell many people, but are just begging to be told? Well. Lately, I've felt pressured to admit to an obsession of mine that I can hold in no longer...90's Britney Spears.

Don't you judge me. I don't know what it is that caused me to like Britney so much in the first place - I think it was when I was like 8, Lucy and our bff Savannah used to listen to her all the time. I never did initially, but once I started, I was hooked. When a Britney song came on, I let go of all shame. I sang along, and couldn't stop dancing.

Now we all know about all the Britney-centered stories in the tabloids, and we all know she's had problems in her life. But you know what? I DON'T CARE! I honestly feel bad for her. Sure, she isn't what she used to be...that doesn't mean she was never a good person!! Everyone goes through some kind of crisis, but that shouldn't cause us to forget how Britney was before she procreated, had a mental breakdown, went on a stress-induced drug rampage, and married a total dick. How would that NOT affect her career?? Wouldn't you have died a little inside too if you had experienced what she did?? Wouldn't you have gone a bit crazy, just as she had? Lord, she's a HUMAN BEING. And I happen to be a huge fan of her earlier songs. I think we can all agree, her new stuff sucks balls. Completely. But what girl who grew up in the late 90's can honestly say she doesn't know the words to "Oops! I Did It Again", "Toxic", or "Baby One More Time"?



~Thanksgiving was great! This whole break has been pretty awesome.
~My face is clearing up :D
~Going back to UNI tomorrow - WOOOOOOOOO

~It hasn't snowed yet :/
~The smell of pickles

Friday, November 26, 2010


My system is so wrought with caffeine right now. HUHUHHHHUHUUHUHH

Literally, JUST got home. I went to Black Friday. I saw the destruction. I conquered the crowds of ravenous consumers. AND, I am still alive.
I went with my girl Kenzie, her 2 sisters, and my other girl Sophie. Several times along the way, our motives were questioned, at which point we chose to simply quit whining and go all out. As Kenzie put it, "Go big or go home." Well. We had already skipped out on sleeping, and we were already there. We weren't about to go home.

I'm not in my right state of mind at the moment, so here's my brief reflection on the mother of all shopping days...

Each store we went to, I'm glad we got there early. Entertaining things happen when you have to wait in line for a long time. Outside Old Navy, we thought of different things the letters "B.A." could stand for, other than the obvious. Having been told to use my filter around Dannica, Kenzie's younger sister, I suggested "Big Anteater" and "Butt Ache".
While waiting for Target to open, we somehow got on the topic of the neighborhood I grew up in, Wellington Heights (AKA the CR Ghetto). Naturally, I felt proud to have been raised in "The Hood", and for whatever reason felt like I needed to act like a gangsta. Next thing I know, who comes around the corner but none other than Kennon Meyer, who I haven't seen in forever; "Madeline Freaking Young!! I knew that was your voice!! I'd recognize it anywhere - I could hear you from all the way back there!!" *Reunion*

Haha. That girl. We go back a ways.

Anyway. So we get inside Target...Christ on a crutch, I have never seen such mayhem in a damned department store. We're talking arrows on the floor to show which way the checkout lines are supposed to snake around, aisles literally packed with people trying to make their way to different departments, entire sections of the store blocked off by caution tape, that kind of thing. Somehow I got stuck pushing the cart. Lord.
I had no idea I was such a skilled cart-pusher! Seriously! When we decided to move to a different part of the store, everyone else would go ahead, leaving me and the cart behind. Every time, I feel like I managed to find the group again with exceptional speed and grace. Good thing I'm naturally polite to strangers...let me tell you. It really helps when you're surrounded by crazed shoppers and slightly afraid for your life. "Sorry...excuse me...sorry...not trying to cut in line, I just need to get through here...sorry...excuse me...excuse me ma'am...sorry..."
Then I went to get coffee, which I'm never doing on Black Friday again. Stupid Starbuck's...why do you have to be so delicious?!? So many people in that line. I swear, it took just as long to get my triple grande mocha as it did to wait in the checkout line, of not longer. Idk. We won't get into that...I feel bad for anyone who worked there. Either at Target or Starbucks IN Target. (Shoutout to Leah, who will be working 8 hours in the fitting room at the Des Moines Target today - good work!! Wicka Word!)

*sigh*...'tis teh season. It was fun though :P

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Someone from Israel reads my blog!!! Cool :D

Today is Thanksgiving. A day for us Americans to give thanks to whoever we give thanks to, for whatever we want to give thanks for. Usually Thanksgiving is a day to mark the celebration of the very first Thanksgiving in our homeland. Now I could go into a story about the pilgrims and corn and all that mess, but I'd rather not. So, here's what I'm thankful for...

FIrst thing's first, I should establish WHO I'm thanking for these things. I'm just gonna come right out and say it, I don't believe in God. I have no shame in admitting this, because I know that in my life, I've managed to surround myself with people who won't judge me for it. Instead of thanking God or Jesus or Krishna or Mohammed or whatever else, I choose to thank LIFE; in all actuality, I believe we are all responsible for our own lives and living them the way decent, honest, compassionate people ought to. In a perfect world, we would only get out of life what we put into it; but occasionally it doesn't work that way, and life returns more to us than we give it - which is what we call good fortune. I thank life for cool people, who no matter how religious or non-religious they may be, will not only NOT think less of me, but will accept and love me as an atheist.

(I apologize in advance if the level of cheesiness in the following passage is too high. It's the truth, and if you don't like it, well...)

Secondly, and I hate to sound cliche for even a second, but I'm thankful for the presence of music in my life, and in the lives of everyone. What gift is better than the gift of song? Someone once said that music is what feelings sound like, and I couldn't agree more with that. It's certainly how I express myself, and I thank life every day for how fortunate I am to have musical abilities that allow me to do so.

I am incredibly thankful for all the wonderful friends I have, old and new. For real. College has opened my eyes to a lot of things, especially how amazing it is to have friends who are genuine, caring people, and who share my love of music. Not gonna lie, it was a little hard for me to adjust to UNI for the first week or so. I have problems sometimes, as we all do. But my friends have always been here to help me, whether it's making sure I don't get hurt if I've had one too many, sitting down with me and talking through something that's bugging me, or just giving me a much-needed hug at the end of a long day..I don't know what I would do without you guys :)

I'm thankful for my family. I won't go into detail, if you follow DBDN you've read all about them already. But they're great and I wouldn't trade them for anything!

And last but not least, all this crap:
~The news
~Cottage cheese
~The Internet
~Chris Potter
~Harry Potter
~Hot glue guns
~Revolving doors
~The couch
~Smart people
~Spanish men
~People not believing in witches anymore
~90's cartoons
~Stupid people
~Victories for civil rights
~Free time
~Free speech
~Iced tea

The list could go on for a while. But it's getting late and I have to get up pretty early tomorrow, and I don't want my sleep schedule to be TOO messed up for Black Friday shopping...haaaaaa

Love you!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Call Me Crazy...

Apparently, this cough I've had for f-ing EVER is just seasonal allergies. Awesome. Looks like I'll continue to sound like a chain smoker in the mornings...gross.

It's 4AM and I can't sleep, so I apologize in advance if this all sounds like a bunch of incoherent crap. Facebook is driving me absolutely crazy, so f that. Doing laundry. Cleaning my room. Thinking a lot. Time to get all this out of my head before I explode from lack of social interaction. Haaaaa...

So there's this guy. And I know I said I had given up on my love life altogether, but...I kinda have a thing for him. I have for a while, not gonna lie. To keep his identity a secret, since I'm fairly sure he's oblivious, we'll call him...Tom. I see him everywhere around campus...he's actually only in two of my classes, but we have the same major and practically do the same things. I actually hang out with him somewhat regularly, but it's always in a group and I'm awkward about stuff so yeah...but he's awesome. His independent thought and awkward charm are the things I find most attractive about him...and it only helps that he's intriguingly handsome and smells nice :]]
I don't have the nerve to tell him how I feel though, because I just feel like it would end up not working out the way I would have for now, it's whatever.

I've been at home for about 4 days now, and each day, I am more and more surprised by my own laziness.

On Friday, when I walked in the front door, no one was here, which I anticipated; my sister was in Ames for All State, my dad at work, and my mom...well I honestly had no idea. She doesn't really answer her phone. So I dropped everything and decided to turn on the TV until someone got home. Well. Little did I know I would be sitting there watching Cops for close to 4 hours. 4 I forgot I had the capacity to sit and rot my brain for that length of time. Good work! :]]
Finally, mom comes in. I totally forgot where she said she was, but it's whatever. 2 hours later, dad comes home and Kozo (our Japanese exchange student) comes up from the basement.

I should explain a little about my family...

My mother is a wild, untamed spirit. She likes arts and crafts, shows about murder, scrabble, and playing the tuba. She truly cares about the people in her life, and does her best to show it - she's almost always been really supportive of me and whatever I'm doing, particularly if it's something with my music. However, as much as I love my mom, Her temperament is somewhat...fragile, making her a little difficult to be around sometimes. Only sometimes! One of her favorite pastimes is pestering the people around her. I was sitting on the couch the other day, minding my business, when seemingly out of nowhere a shoe was thrown at me. Then some play-doh. Then the other shoe, along with various other household items. I look down the hall and there's mom, standing there making a face at me, not saying a word. Let me tell you, no matter how many times I threw the things back at her or told her to STOP IT, she persisted until she decided she had to go to the bathroom. Oh mom...
Dad's different, most of the time anyway. He's a software engineer by day, trombonist and Rihanna-lover by night. He enjoys baseball, drum corps, chocolate frosting, beer, the 80's, and my mom :)
In a house with 3 women, he's almost always the mediator (which is a tough position, with the way mom, Lucy and I are sometimes. Especially when we're all PMSing at the same time...OHHH LAWD). He's like that mellow personality in a room full of crazy people, that guy who will listen to your problem and calmly talk it out with you until you simmer. He does tend to forget things...sometimes they happen to be important things. But it's whatever. And when mom likes to mess with people, he'll occasionally go right along with it and maybe even get her. Then they "fight" eachother, and it usually comes to some kind of funny end...cute (and hilarious) as hell :]]
Lucy, my sister. Her hair is the biggest, thickest hair you'll ever encounter. It's close to 2 feet long with enormous waves and bountiful layers of hair bliss. She is like no one I've met in my life. She plays Farmville and the viola, and I'm glad to see she's using more and more of her time for the second one :D
And she's sooo good at it! She's a senior in high school, but already plays in the Coe College orchestra and has had some small gigs around town. Get it girl. And she's SO smart, particularly when it comes to art and Japanese. She also likes nonsense..we still laugh at farts, and we still like to make mischief in public places. That will probably never stop.
And then there's Kozo Kamimura, the 18-year-old boy from Okinawa who's living in our basement for a year. He's quiet, loves meat, sleeps a lot, and recently learned the word "fuck".

Speaking of which, holy God. Tonight after dinner, we played a game of "Fucking Yahtzee". Not just Yahtzee. Fucking Yahtzee. Kozo took a turn, and before he rolled for the last time (going for a Yahtzee), for no reason, he said "FUCK!" He actually got one, prompting mom to re-name the game.

I've found a new addiction - Hahah!! I can go on there any time of day and just click the "Stumble" button to instantly find something cool. And it never gets old! At least not for me. I was literally on there for three hours once just to pass the time, and boy did the time fly by. Seriously, check it out. I bet you'll find 4 times more awesome things than not awesome things. Go. Do it.

For the record, I did absolutely nothing on Sunday. Win.

Also, I guess my parents want to move again...we're looking at a house tomorrow. It seems like every time we get used to a house, they want to move. I can honestly say I've only ever considered Park Avenue to be my true "home", I mean, we lived there for 11 years...but there have been a lot of different reasons to move since then. My family has moved 4 times in my entire life. If we move again, In the past 5 years alone, we will have moved 4 times. So I suppose it's really nothing new. I just wish they would finally decide on somewhere to live for a long while...I can only hope this is it!


~cough = allergies
~Nicki Minaj
~North Korea bombing South Korea - WTF??

~Thanksgiving Thursday - POTATOES!!!!
~FINALLY seeing HP7 on Wednesday :D

Friday, November 19, 2010

Shut Up, Jesse Ventura.

Ever see something on TV that is supposed to be serious, but looks so stupid that you want to watch it purely for the humor factor? Now you know how I felt when I saw the commercial for TruTV's "Conspiracy Theory" with host, former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura.
Take a look at this.

Yeah - Idk what to believe. I don't honestly think any of it's real..but it's whatever.

Today, I came home. My puppies were scratching at the front door when I got here and it was SO PRECIOUS i almost died!! I have never seen tails wag faster, nor have I been sniffed so much in my life. I swear, sometimes all I want to do is snuggle a fluffy little dog. Erika, I feel like I can identify with you, because as much as you're infatuated with fat cats, that's as much as I love fluffy little dogs like mine. The amount of love a dog can have for a person is the amount of love I wish more people could have for one another. It's the best thing EVER when a puppy comes up to you and wants you to pet it or play with it or hug it or something - there's nothing cuter in the whole world!! Guhuhuhuhhhhhh :]]]]]]]

Yeah, this show is retarded. A government plot to create mind-controlled assassins out of regular tits like you and me? F that.
Also, the inflection in his voice makes me unable to take him seriously.

You know what's wierd? Ok, so...
Back in January, I was involved in a car accident on East Post Rd, in which my car slipped on the ice and flew off the Indian Creek bridge. About a month later, they decided to tear down that bridge and make a new one, which would take several annoying months of construction and involve a slightly lengthy detour. Well I came back home today and suddenly start to hear people say it's done, which is awesome. So my parents and I went to HyVee and decided to take East Post and check it out. We drive over the bridge, and immediately after we get to the other side, mom says "That was uncomfortable. I don't like that."

This happened just now:
Mom: (walks in the room and looks at the TV) "What the hell is that?"
Mad: "A kangaroo, mom."
Mom: *burp* (walks away)

Tomorrow is the Iowa All State Music Festival, an annual event during which the finest band geeks, orch-dorks and choir kids from all over the state are brought together in 3 of the biggest ensembles you've never seen. A spot in one of these groups is highly coveted by everyone auditioning. The entire process is ridiculous. I happened to be chosen for 2 of my 4 years at Washington HS, which is alright! This year, I'm going to hear my lovely sister play her viola in the All State orchestra and chamber orchestra.
Oh lordy lord, All seems like only yesterday all my buddies and I were practically shitting ourselves at the thought of first making recalls, then being selected, then going to Ames for the grand poo-bah of all high school honor bands. Back then it seemed like nothing could top such an achievement as being one of the best 60 teenage clarinet players in all of Iowa. Not saying that making it isn't a thing to be proud of, because it totally is, and props to all y'all who did! But to be honest..There are much MUCH bigger things to look forward to  if you're serious about music. OhohoHOHOOOO yes.

Watch this. Start at 1:37...this guy. hahahahahah.

~I found a heads-up dime on the sidewalk!

That's Dirty.

So I slept through my sightsinging class this morning by accident. Woke up 20 minutes after it started, uttered an ugly word, and got my ass out of bed. I figured hell, I just won't's too late for that. Why not just focus on being on time to my rehearsal with my accompanist? Which I was, even after I actually made an effort to look presentable before I showed myself to the world again. Good work? I think so. Especially since most mornings I don't give a rat's ass what I look like, and therefore probably appear lazy to others.

Anyway. So I go in to rehearse with my accompanist for my clarinet jury at 10 AM. Let me explain a little bit about Dr. Guy...picture an older lady, short gray hair, dressed rather flamboyantly as a great number of older ladies are. Small in stature, her face quizzical like that of an owl, she appears to be a most innocent woman who would never dream of saying anything outlandish or crude. Most of the time, if you were to assume these things of her, you'd be correct in doing so. However. As I was standing there playing my little solo with her, she stops me to say something, and goes off in a tangent, which ends with the sentence "I've played this piece before, but not since Amanda (Dr. McCandless) has been here. So. I don't know what she's been doing with you, but I have my own shit on it."
I'm like whoa. That's all I have to say about that.
But yeah. She's weird. Nice, but kinda weird.

After math class today, Leah and I decided to A) get some of that delicious chicken tortilla soup from Biscotti's (this little convenient-store place), and B) have a dance party before jazz band. I know I said I would cut down on my swearing, but let me tell you. That soup is fucking good. The way the cheese melts into it and imparts its flavor upon the chicken, and the way the tortilla chips become one with the broth...and when accompanied by some harvest cheddar sunchips...hohohohohoh.
So we ate, then proceeded to shake it like a polaroid picture. When the song shuffled to "Hips Don't Lie", it made us does Shakira move like that? It shouldn't even be human being has as much control over individual muscles as she does. Not to mention the fact that her ass refuses to quit. Seriously, Shakira. What the hell.
So we've officially made it our goal to put the integrity in our own hips by learning to move like her. Get it? Haaaaaaa.

This happened in jazz band this afternoon...
Dr. Washut: So has anyone heard the joke about a Chaconne? (pronounced Sha-cone)
Jazz II: Um no
Dr. Washut: there's a music history class, and they're studying the early forms of songs in the rennaisance. The teacher says "Can anyone tell me what a Chaconne is?" And this freshman in the back raises her hand and says "Sure I do! It's when the bass player in a jazz band is standing back there going "Sha-cone-cone-cone-cone..."
Jazz II: *ROFL*

Later on, when I was online trying to figure out classes for next semester, I decided to go on and check out some of my current professors' ratings. Not surprisingly, Dr. Washut received an overall rating of 4.6 on a scale of 5. ALSO not surprisingly, Dr. Min Lee, mine and Leah's esteemed math teacher, managed to walk away with a solid 1.6 and several people calling him "the worst teacher they've ever had". I laughed because it was so true! Their complaints were completely accurate - he doesn't do problems correctly on the board, he mumbles, is rude when approached for help, and often makes errors even in the powerpoint presentations he uses to teach. Yup. Those all sound like things I've experienced firsthand in his class. Glad to know I'm not the only one.


~my throat feels swollen
~there was nothing on the radio in the car tonight but trash
~i didn't get to go to Harry Potter :<

~Almost mastered altissimo on tenor today - I'm close!
~I stole two cookies from the Suzuki school banquet when I walked by it in Russell today
~Discovered I like mocha latte. A lot.
~Tomorrow is the last day of class before thanksgiving break.
~My lovely lil' sister got 6th chair out of 24 Violas at All State and was selected for the chamber orchestra. I am PROUD AS HELL!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

I am trying to cut down on swearing. Specifically the words Fuck and Shit, which appear to be my favorites.
I have realized it's a very unattractive quality, and makes me appear very crude and unrefined. Don't get me wrong, I find many swears to be meaningless words that merely sound nasty when used, but I see now that using them is just silly and not a good idea for aspiring professionals such as myself. Wicka word.

So in Wind Symphony today, Dr. Johnson (we'll call him RJ) brought up the subject of a group tour. Apparently, since the last group of people he took on a large trip were a bunch of whiney bee-otches, he's been skeptical about it. Maybe he just loves us or something? Perhaps he wants to go just one last time before retirement? Idk.
So the question is...Israel, Italy, Carnegie Hall, or Chi-town?
I would freaking go to Israel, here's why.
~It's across the world from everything I know. Call me crazy, but as much as I love the good ol' USA, it would be nice to get out. Really, really nice. At least for a while.
~There's SO MUCH CULTURE. I mean, lets face it - Israeli level of culture content>Iowa. I want to go somewhere where I'll see things that will blow my mind. Blow it all over the Mediterranean. Talk about brain puke.
~I'm not afraid of what people say about security issues. Not everyone in the middle east wants to kill Americans. Anyone who thinks that is a dumb sh*t.
~[Insert 50 googleplex reasons why going to Israel to play my clarinet would be a good idea.]
In any case, I am super excited to travel with WS. It isn't until 2012, mind you. But that's only what...a year and a half away? That's not even anything. I feel like it would be an experience I would never forget, and some great bonding time :D

I've made a big decision. I've decided to leave my love life alone altogether and pursue no one. Here's why.
I don't know whether it's Murphy's law or some crap like that, but I've realized something. I fail at relationships. Like, I legit am not successful at telling my true feelings to people I like. I always get so nervous. It's gotten to the point where if I start to think I like someone, I tell myself "STOP. Do you want your heart broken again?!". Just walk away. I'm not going to deal with my clumsiness when it comes to crushes anymore. I don't see the point if all it does is make me feel stupid. From now on, I tell nobody anything regarding matters of my heart.
At least not for a while anyway...Idk, I guess I'm just in the process of getting over someone right now and it really isn't going very well, which is probably the reason behind my negative outlook on that kind of thing at the moment. But I really should look at it this way - no matter how much it hurts at first, it will get better!

On a lighter note;
~I got a solid A+ on my AT quiz yesterday!
~Marching band is OVER.
~Dr. McCandless, quite simply, rocks.
~I'm expecting a package in the mail tomorrow!!!!
~Only 2 more days until Thanksgiving break!
~My cartilage piercing no longer hurts to touch :)

Another day in the past

My name is Madeline and I live in Cedar Falls, IA.
I sometimes don't know what to do with myself. I wake up in the morning and often don't want to leave my bed, purely for the reason that it's warm and comfy and the rest of my room isn't. I eventually realize that by staying huddled up underneath my covers for more and more 5-minute increments marked by the snooze button on my alarm, I'm inevitably making myself late to my Music Theory/Aural Training/Sightsinging class in the morning. So I scoot down the ladder, do what's necessary, and leave.
Let me tell you. I love the people in that class. When I arrive relatively on time in the morning, I can actually sit where I want to, usually between my girl Abbey (one of the other clarinet majors, who is a walking PARTY) and Leah (my trumpet player friend who watches out for me when I lose my inhibitions). Our teacher, Dr. Washut, is such a broner. He also directs the second jazz band here at UNI (which I play bari sax in), and reminds us a lot of Snoop Dogg. Quite often, Abbey and I sit there and laugh to ourselves as we appreciate his wisdoms. "NO D!!!" for one. He shouted that after someone spelled a triad wrong one day. Haaaaa.
This morning, we had a quiz in AT. I turned to Abbey and asked if she was soooo totally ready for this quiz. Her reply: "It's just...another the past." I thought WTF, that's brilliant!! Didn't understand how it applied to my question, but it was brilliant. Get it girl.
I should explain - I'm a music major at the University of Northern Iowa. Go Cats and all that. Yeah. Anyway, so I'm majoring in clarinet and instrumental music ed, with a minor in jazz sax. I plan on dropping the ed major next year though to just focus on performance. I don't really think I would be a very good band director - I'm terrible at organizing events, I sometimes find it difficult to transform my thoughts into things people can understand, and I use far too many choice words. Fuck.
Tonight, I played the solo I'm working on for my jury in front of all the other clarinet majors in studio class. I was, unexpectedly, nervous as hell. It pissed me off - I've never gotten performance anxiety before until right then, and OHOHOHHHH LORD it hit me hard. It's like all the years of not having it were coming to get me, all in one fell swoop. Every part of me was shaking when I got up there. Maybe it was because I knew that they all knew what to listen for - tempo changes, waivering pitch, and (god forbid) squeaks. Maybe it was because I thought that everyone would expect me, as they would anyone, to have my piece exquisitely prepared by this point in the semester. Maybe I felt like I was under pressure for whatever reason...or maybe I just psyched myself out too much beforehand.
For the record - listening to screamo to try and drown out your thoughts when you're nervous, make you MORE nervous. Don't do it.
So I got up there and thought I did terrible, even though several of my studio-mates thankfully told me otherwise after class - I love them, I swear...I feel like we're all like a huge family, it's awesome. Now that I think back on it I actually wasn't that bad...I just wish I could go back and do it again, without saying all the things I managed to stutter out before and after playing. Oh well. Shoulda coulda woulda put on some Mozart instead of Metallica!
I have a feeling it won't be anything like that from this point on; I have no idea what I was so worried about. Glad I got that first time playing in front of them out of the way though - the general consensus was that the first time you play in studio is always the worst, but after that? Piece of cake.
Red velvet cake... =]]]]]]]
You know what makes me happy? People who love you no matter what. No matter what you say to them, or how awkward the situation could have turned when you said it, these people are the ones who will talk to you and help figure it out. No matter how much of a jumpy freak you are, they're still right by your side trying to calm you in whatever way they can. No matter how many things you do that could be perceived as foolish or just plain silly to others, these people still love you for it and won't try to change you. Sometimes I find that I enjoy these people more than I expect to...which is both a blessing and a curse, because due to their kind and friendly nature, these people are the hardest to forget when they're not around. Oh's just another day in the past.